Excel 2016 - From Beginner to Expert (eBook)

ISBN: 978-88-89600-61-0 Pages: 400 eBook: PDF
SKU: 978-88-89600-61-0
Spedizione Gratuita
Data di spedizione: 1-2 Giorni

The book deals with the use of Microsoft Excel 2016: the most popular spreadsheet used all over the world, from the scratch. The book covers any area: from the first approach with the Excel Spreadsheet to the instructions for a better use of this programme such as: managing data, totals and subtotals, sorting and grouping data, decorating documents in order to improve legibility, Pivot tables, printing documents, the most used functions at home and in office, graphs, macros, filters and Data protection. This book is essential if you want to use the potentiality of this programme both at home and at work. It also includes the introduction to Programming language


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